Vector database - The next evolution in database technology, optimized for NXT Gen applications (AI/ML)

Barani Dakshinamoorthy
10 min readJun 1, 2024

In today’s digital world, data driven organization are dealing with vast amount of data points, both structured and unstructured data from various tools and applications. The traditional databases are at their max processing huge datasets, deriving valuable insights, simultaneously keeping their performance intact. However, when it comes to deriving insights from multi-structured voluminous data, it is past time to break free from this constraint and embark on the next database development in the vector space, “the vector database”.

Vector databases is the way forward for the Next Gen Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications, as it is optimized to query large volume of data with greater performance and flexibility.

Searching and creating insights through unstructured data is difficult, and usually takes a lots of human effort. Imagine you could search through your data across all digital domain in a similar fashion, as we are used to search through open data. This would be only possible when you vectorize your organization data. Vector captures the meaning behind the data, allowing the computer to understand, similar to the way humans do. It is machine understandable data representation captured into vector database.



Barani Dakshinamoorthy

Founder, Data Integration, Innovation, Technology Driven professional. A Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) in the field of SQL Server development.